2 c flour

4 tsp. baking powder

1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 stick margarine or butter

2/3 c milk

1/3 c melted butter

1/2 c soft brown sugar

1/3 tsp. cinnamon

In a small bowl, sift flour, baking powder & salt. Cut in 1/2 stick margarine (or butter) & add milk. Mix lightly with a fork, then toss onto lightly floured board.

Pat & roll dough lightly about 1/2" thick. Brush on melted butter. Sprinkle with brown sugar & cinnamon.

Roll up like a jelly roll. Cut into 1" slices & place them flat on buttered cookie sheet.

OVEN: 450º

BAKE: 12-15 minutes

Serve warm. These are SO tasty.